April 11, 2008

Amusing Owen...

Owen can now socially smile! I'll do anything for his amusement. I'll even make embarrassing high-pitched noises as evidenced in the clip!

Proudly Announcing our New Son Owen!

Bryan and I are happy to announce the adoption of our new son Owen! A picture of him at 5 weeks old is shown above. He was born in February and we were lucky to take care of him since birth. Since we've been waiting for our daughter from China for almost 2 years now, we've been wanting to pursue a concurrent adoption for some time now. Our agency finally allowed concurrent adoptions as of Dec 2007 so Bryan and I got very busy when the policy was issued. We met with an attorney on Dec 27 and we were so fortunate to be chosen and placed with a child so fast. We just passed the final hurdle in adoption land by finalizing the adoption in court this month. We never have felt so much love in our lives.
Needless to say, we haven't been busy posting due to holidays and our efforts spent in pursuing Owen. I hope to post more going forward!